A guide for mothers who want to start breastfeeding right.
The "Breast Abeceder" is a project of the "Love with Milk" Association. A project designed to change the lives of mothers and children. The laborer is written by specialists and we want him to reach as many mothers as possible. In breastfeeding, education is essential for things to go well.
Recommend that mothers download this application or read the Breast Labeleder on the site dedicated to the abecedardealaptare.ro project. Mothers who will read it will surely thank you for opening their way to successful breastfeeding. If mothers receive the information from this abecedar even during pregnancy, they have great chances to breastfeed exclusively. We found that many of the mothers who did not have this information had, in return, great breastfeeding challenges. They regret that they were not better informed to enjoy longer breastfeeding.